Pertandingan Kawad

April 17, 2018

credit to Amanda Leigh

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

السلام عليكم

Hello everyone! Firstly, I'm gonna write this entry using two language which is English + Malay (bahasa rojak). And sorry my broken english. Sekali sekala ubah angin kan? Lepasni nak guna bahasa Korea pulak la hohoho XD So today i'm gonna update my entry about kawad kaki. Actually this entry is a lil bit throwback XD The kawad kaki was on 11 April 2018. But the pictures of the participants still didn't transfer on the laptop >< So I decided to post the entry today. Since I've finished school, me and my friends would like to visit school programme like sport day, kawad kaki and all. Me and my friends arrived at the school and go to the science lab to look the preparation of SMK Pemanis participants. My friends, Irfan and Aidil was busy handling the participants. The boots, pants and beret. SMK Pemanis as tuan rumah untuk kawad kaki KRS. Me and my friends was PPIM team. So we didn't know how to help. I'm so so so like the chant of SMK Pemanis. Sedap giloss! hahaha XD Cuak tak cuak! Takut tak takut! Gentar tak gentar! SMP boleh! How I wish I can sing in this blog Haha XD One of my friend working at the koperasi sekolah. That day, she have to sell foods and drinks such as keropok lekor, air limau, air sirap and many more. So, we decided to buy some drinks before watched kawad kaki. Really miss to kawad kaki!!! Form 4 and form 5 sekolah tak hantar pun gi berkawad. Sadiss T.T But it's okayy. Dia macam terubat sikit bila tengok kawad haha >.< SMK Pemanis hantar peserta perempuan je. Rezeki tak berpihak kepada kami. Kami dapat no 4 kategori perempuan daripada 5 kumpulan peserta. Two person was collapse while checking their uniform. It was a hot day. No wonder people would collapse. Masa kawad semua cantik dah. Kaki selari je and formasi cantik! Takde rezeki. But takde orang yang perlu dipersalahkan and it's okay guys! kipidap don't give up! Sesiapa yang belum pernah try berkawad tu try la. Serious sekali awak2 semua dah try mesti nak masuk lagi. Memang best! Who have the experience of kawad please share on comment! ;) Adoii terbelit gak lidah kalau nak full english in my blog. Hahaha XD My writing skill already rusted guys! Sorry >.<

Nah belanja gambar2 peserta

ya benar. Cantik kan pemandangan? Itu namanya Bukit Pemanis

Juri sedang membuat penilaian 


Rumah Shaa depan sekolah je. 
Tapi bukan yang ada dalam gambar.
 Atas bukit rumahnya haha >.<

Peserta SMK Pemanis

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِالسلام عليكم

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